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24 Times Used
22 MAY 2019
Console login report

Sends a report of all the console logins that happened in your aws account


cloudtrail events search workflow

Console Login Report

Sends a report of console logins for a day.



S3 Bucket Policy Change Events

Send report of all the S3 bucket policy changes in your AWS account i.e. if any operations like put/delete bucket policy is performed in your AWS account then this workflow will generate a report of it and send it to your email.

IAM Policy Change Events

Send report of all IAM Policy changes in your AWS account. If any operations like create/delete IAM policy/User/role is performed in your AWS account then this workflow will generate a report of it and send it to your email.

Security Group Change Events

Send report of all the Security Group changes in your AWS account i.e. if any operations like create/delete/edit any Inbound/Outbound rule is performed in your AWS account then this workflow will generate a report of it and send it to your email.

Network Change Events

Send report of all the network changes in your AWS account i.e. if any operations like create/delete Route/RouteTable is performed in your AWS account then this workflow will generate a report of it and send it to your email.

Network ACL Change Events

Send report of all the Network ACL changes in your AWS account i.e. if any operations like create/delete Network ACL or create/delete/replace Network ACL entry is performed in your AWS account then this workflow will generate a report of it and send it to your email.

Global Events with CloudTrail logging Disabled

With API tracking for global services, such as IAM, STS and CloudFront, you can have complete visibility over all of your AWS infrastructure. Having CloudTrail logging enabled for regional and global AWS services will assist you to ensure compliance and troubleshoot operational or safety issues within your AWS account.